Faith Friday: Moments of Clarity...

Yesterday, one of my dearest friends wrote a beautiful blog post about a season of life that we are stepping into and so I thought today I'd feed off of that energy and write about clarity! Have you ever had a moment in your life where things were just unclear? You can't see past your current situation because it feels like you've hit the end of the way - where are you supposed to go? There have been quite a few of those moments in my life but it's so great how God has transformed those situations for the better and now I'm seeing the benefit of having chosen to just keep moving with God. I may have felt like I was walking blindly, but recently He's been giving me some pretty clear sight.

I'm going to touch on a situation that most girls face. The dreaded breakup. No matter what kind of relationship it was, how long it lasted, who ended it, they're just tough. For girls especially, that feeling of "Is there anyone better?" always starts to set in but let me assure you, if you hold onto God He'll show you what else is out there that is much better suited for you. About 3 years ago I went through one of those seasons. I felt lonely and like there was nowhere to go, I was stuck. It's sad that at that moment I couldn't see past my current situation, in my mind this was the end. But over the past couple of years, God has been making it so clear as to why I went through that. All of the pain and hurt were necessary for me to just break down before God and realize that I needed to change. That struggle helped me depend on God and it completely shifted my views on relationships in general. But I couldn't see that then, all I could see was the pain. I now realize that there was truly beauty in the process and that things are becoming clearer because I've asked for clarity. Don't just rub your eyes a bit and call it quits! Ask Him to clarify what you only know in part. The past few days I've seen that become a reality in my life - when you ask the Lord to open your eyes and give you peace in your heart to see what He needs you to see, things just click!

Stay patient and wait on Him. Ask Him to place you in a state of rest where you can fully and confidently say that He is your everything! Trust me when I say that I've asked for clarity and God has answered those prayers in a matter of a couple of hours. It may be quicker, it may take longer, but the point is that it's in His heart for you to see clearly, to see like He does. Just like Diana wrote in her post, your answer may walk in the room when you least expect it. God is really good at surprising us with blessings that our minds couldn't even come up with if we tried. That's just how good He is. Know that this time of feeling unsure and seeing things as blurry is only temporary. Play your part and let God do the rest. You might get confirmation from Him that you really dodged a bullet, even if it takes you a while to figure that out. It may be that what seems like the end for you right now could be the beginning of something beautiful. Trust Him in the process, you'll see clearly soon enough!

This is my prayer for you, and for me as well:

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people" - Ephesians 1:17-18

Hold onto this truth, there is a time for everything!

" He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end" - Ecclesiastes 3:11

Remember I told you that God has eternal perspective, well He's places that in our hearts too! Just don't lose sight of the fact that you aren't getting the entire puzzle and that He knows best. His time for everything in your life will come, and may even surprise you, so just wait for that beauty to unravel!

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  1. I just discovered your blog and I am completely in love! I have been drafting ways to write about my faith and the life changing experience accepting Jesus has done for me. You are such an inspiration! Im definitley going to bookmark your blog!

    Kianny Cordon

    1. Kianny, thank you so much for this comment. It honestly made me smile so big! I really hope you share about your journey with Christ because I'd love to read. Loved your blog, definitely going to be following :)


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