Faith Friday: I'm A Dependent Woman (say wha?!)

Anyone else sad that the January Faith Friday series is over today? Not to worry, there's a lot to continue talking about in the near future so keep checking back! To close off the past few weeks of "What Am I Called To Be As A Woman" I wanted to bring it all together in a more general sense. As I started off saying at the beginning of the month, I feel that God is calling us as women to be different. He has a special purpose for us that we can only discover as we discover more about Him. I feel strongly in my heart that we need to redefine what it is to be a woman, especially one after God's heart. Our society's view of women today places importance on being the "independent woman". *Cue a Beyonce anthem* This idea has been in my mind for quite some time and I didn't know why, until God started revealing to me what He wanted me to share. 

Right now more than ever, we are bombarded by the idea that women have always been oppressed by men and that we need to step up and be independent and work harder to be treated as equals. I don't consider myself a feminist in any way but I do think that women should follow their dreams and not just live life thinking that their husbands will support them so they can be lazy. I think God places talents and skills in women that men don't have and we should explore those things and bring them into fruition. BUT, becoming power hungry and striving to live a life that is consumed by work isn't the way to go either. I'm gonna go against what everyone else says and state that we should be women who are dependent! Yup, you read that right, but hear me out. I believe with all my heart that as a woman I am dependent on Christ and no one else. I don't depend on my family, my future spouse or even future career/job. The whole idea behind being independent actually transforms into being self dependent and that is completely not biblical at all. 

"I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing"
John 15:5

Simple. Without Him you are nothing and can do nothing because your life springs from His being and nothing else. You can't do things on your own, at least not in a way that results in a good outcome. That isn't to say that you are going to sit around waiting for God to do everything and be passive. He needs your cooperation and permission to have a say in your life. You alone allow God to come in and be your everything and until you do that, you won't be fulfilling your potential. He wants you to work, and work hard! He isn't promising you that by depending on Him things will be easy, He just promises to hold your hand the entire way.  God made you a strong, vibrant, capable and loving woman and He wants you to know that to be all of those things you need to put your trust in Him and no one else. I think it's time for us to redefine what it is to be women who love God. Women who work towards putting Gods plan into action and who focus their vision on His heart. 

We've talked about the real meaning behind the Proverbs 31 woman, learning to be courageous, finding our worth and beauty from within and living modestly in all aspects and today we finished off with our dependence on Christ. To be the woman that holds all of the characteristics I've written about it all depends on whether or not you will choose to define yourself by the world or by Christ. It doesn't matter at what point in life you're in now... being the woman God called you to be is a lifelong mission and you can start at any time. Start digging into the word and finding more about what God is speaking to his generation of women about! Trust in Him to see you through and enjoy this journey! 

"I depend on God alone; I put my hope in Him. he alone protects and saves me; he is my defender, and I shall never be defeated. My salvation and honour depend on God; He is my strong protector, He is my shelter. Trust in God at all times, my people. Tell Him all of your troubles, for He is our refuge"
Psalms 62: 5-8 (Good News Translation)

Sending you all lots of love and praying that you've been touched by this series! Happy weekend and thanks for stopping by! x
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1 comment:

  1. Correction, I will be missing Faith Fridays Women edition! Perfect post, Being dependent on only God makes your true self shine through! Just like the stars are dependent on the dark sky to shine their glorious splendour!


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