I was talking to someone recently and I asked them "Who are you?" The person replied with giving me their full name. My response was "You aren't defined by your legal name!"
At the time I wasn't sure where those words came from. But I know that it was all in His purpose because this is something I want to share and talk about.
If someone were to ask you that same question, how would you reply? Would you also give them your name? Would you describe yourself in the way you think others would describe you? Or would you say nothing because when you gave it a longer thought, you'd realize that you don't even know who you are?
Let me give it to you as simple as I can. Your identity is not in your name, your clothing, your grades, what people think of you or what you look like. Your identity lies in Christ. He made you in HIS image. When you hear that you are worth so much to God, it isn't because of who you are in your own doing, it's because of who you are in Him. You will not understand who you truly are if you don't give God his rightful place.
C.S. Lewis said it so perfectly in Mere Christianity:
"Your real, new self (which is Christ's and also yours, and yours just because it is His) will not come as long as you are looking for it. It will come when you are looking for Him. (....) Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in.
As humans, we tend to look inward and only see the negative. If this becomes a habit it's as if we dug ourselves a hole and fell in. It's so hard to get out of it. But how awesome is it that God has given us His identity. If we search for Him, and I mean really search, (not just, reading a verse or two before you crash and fall asleep, or only praying when we want to get an A on tomorrows test) we will be able to find who we really are. We aren't just His friend or acquaintance, we are His creation. He made us, shaped us, thought we were the most beautiful thing He had ever seen. Better yet, we are His children. That's right, the King of Kings is your Dad!
The Bible says:
"Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba Father." So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir" - Galatians 4: 6-7
How amazing is that? He loves us as a Father, but he is a father who never fails, never stops loving, always cares for our needs! Pay attention to the part in that verse that says that His Spirit is within us. So, when we search for Him and truly believe that who we are is who He is, then looking inside of ourselves will only display the fact that He is in us and with us ALL THE TIME. (#mindblown) You can't escape this identity because Christ, the person in which your identity lies, is in YOU!
Last night while on youTube I saw the video I posted above and thought Wow, because of Him, I'm awesome! I highly encourage you guys to watch it and really think about who you are. I love how perfectly this all happened because I was already planning on writing about identity!
There's so much more to say about this, and I will hopefully continue to go more in depth into our identity as women in the future. But for now, I guess this is an intro. Be encouraged this week to seek Him more and really meditate on who He is because that's the only way you'll know who you are!
Cheer up, the weekend is almost here! Yay!
Glorious Peonies.
Sweet girl! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog post! Sadly, I couldn't respond because it said you are a no reply blogger! BUT I just checked out your blog and love it! And I loved this particular post as well :)
ReplyDeleteI had no clue my settings were like that, but I changed it now! Thanks for letting me know and for your comment! Makes me really happy to know people enjoy what I post. Love your blog as well :)